Cayenne Pepper Tincture
(formula) (Blood circulation)

  • Cayenne: One of the purest of all known stimulants and the most useful of the stimulating diaphoretics. Its potent qualities make it of wide applicability in most fevers (will increase body temperature), infections and general body cleansing.
  • As a cardiac tonic will regulate blood flow, strengthen the heart, arteries, capillaries and will aid in poor peripheral circulation causing cold hands and feet.
  • As a carminative is used in flatulence, dyspepsia and colic, and as a circulatory stimulant will increase blood supply to the digestive organs, hence enhancing their activities (secretions and regular contractions).
  • Topically it is used as a rubefacient to increase circulation and aid in problems such as rheumatic pains. Its counter-irritant effect causes vasodilation (and heat) in whichever tissue with which it comes into contact.
(read more on the research

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Take half to a full dropper of Tincture, in water or tea up to 3 times a day.
be carefull can increase heat in the body !

Cayenne pepper, fennel seeds, devill’s club, meadowsweet.
& 40% alcohol